Basic information:
  • The "Baltie" contest is international contest for teams with 1-3 members in programming in languages Baltie 3 and Baltie 4 C# with several rounds.
  • It's intended for pupils from basic schools (primary schools), high schools (middle schools) and children from organizations working with children.
  • Organizers: TIB (Slovakia), SGP Systems, Wyższa Szkoła Technologii Informatycznych (WSTI) w Warszawie a Organizátoři soutěžních míst (OSM).

  • Tool Baltie 3, Baltie 4
    3A, 4A - grade 0.-3. (grade 1 matches first grade in primary school)
    3B, 4B - grade 4.-6.
    3C, 4C - grade 7.-9.
    3D, 4D - grade 10.-13. (grade 10 matches first grade in high school)
  • Number of members in a team: 1 - 3
  • Members of a team must be from the same school, category of the team is determined by tool and the oldest member of the team.
  • Teams cannot be changed or completed during the contest. In the case of illness of a member only the rest of team takes part.
  • If a team doesn't participate in a round, it does not advance to the next round and finishes at the contest.
  • Tasks are in the same format as in the contest Junior. Please, read over instructions for the contest Junior and for its task n. 0 carefully.

Contest has 3 rounds:

  • School round
    From February 10 - contest in school, teacher set up on the server, when and how long will pupils compete. More information are in proposition.
    The school results are not public. Only the logged teachers from the school can see them (in the left menu).
    Note: There is no deadline for the school round, it means the school round can continue until the end of the school year - more at school round Rules.
  • Regional round
    March 26, 16:00 - deadline of enrollments to the regional round (lisf of regional contest places...)
    March 19 - March 26, 18:00 - performance of regional round
    March 27, 8:00 - publication of the regional round results
  • international round
    April 30, 15:00 - deadline of enrollments to the international round
    May 19 - contest final, Belarus, The Netherlands, Poland
Contest platform Baltie.
  • Number of tasks. More tasks are solved, typically between 3 and 6.
  • Evaluation. Every contest solution is evaluated by the contest server SGP.
    Detailed description of individual criteria, correct program form and list of forbidden commands are described in detail in the contest Junior (in task n. 0 and in the instructions).
    Resulting rank of the contest team is due to its average rank from all of the tasks. If a team didn't solve or submit any of the tasks, its rank in this task is after all of the contestants in the category, i. e. number of the contestants in the category + 1. Hence it is profitable only try to solve the task, because it's better to be the last of the contestants who submitted solution than to be after all of the contestants who enrolled to the contest.
  • Priority of criteria. Criteria are evaluated in this succession:
    1. Errors (scene(s), picture(s)-graphics, text file)
    2. Program runtime duration
    3. Number of commands (command icons)
    4. Number of attempts
    5. Solving time (time from task Start)
  • Time limit.
    School round: at least 45 minutes (we recommend 90 minutes) - but depends on school.
    Regional round: 120 minutes.
    International round: 180 minutes.
  • Enrollment for school to the contest. School is enrolled to the contest when teacher enrolls first team from the school to the school round of the contest.
  • Enrollment for teams to the contest. Teams are enrolled by teacher. First the teacher logs in on the contest server (with the login to his SGP account), in the left menu he chooses contest Baltie - school round, then clicks on the button "Enrollments" and enrolls teams and creates groups of teams.
  • Contest groups. For optimal usage of computers in the contest place the organizer separates the teams to groups (according to number of computers) and for each group he enters: name of group, contest time (date and time from - to, when this group will compete) and verification code for the group Thanks to the possibility to define individual contest groups the contest place can have several times bigger capacity.
  • Contest time. Date and time when contestants can see their submission and upload their programs to the server.
    Contest time is determined by school organizer for every contest group.
    Note 1: In the case of need (technical problems etc.) organizer of the contest place can move the end of contest time by the technical delay during contest duration time for the group, so the group can finish its work and upload files to the server.
    Note 2: If a team couldn't upload files to the server till the end of the contest time of group because of different reasons (even with the help of supervisor), the contest place organizer can do it instead of the team after the end of the contest time. Organizer logs in, selects enrolled team, then chooses "Manage Tasks" and sends the job.
  • Supervisor. Supervisor in computer classroom ensures that contestants during the task solving don't communicate with anybody else by no means, don't take copies of submissions etc.
  • Verification code for contest group. Teams from the contest group can display submissions and upload files to the server only after entering this code. It ensures that nobody else can login to the contestant account and made the tasks instead of him. Supervisor must ensure that this verification code doesn't leave the room (by handphones, ICQ, Skype, email etc.).
    Verification code for contest group can be changed by supervisor whenever a how many times he wants. For example if he has suspicion that anyone sent the code out of contest room or only for precaution. He tells pupils verification code when they are sitting in front of their computers - he can write it on the blackboard, for example.
  • IP addresses checking. Contest server watches IP addresses, from which solutions are uploaded, so if IP address does not match, the supervisor can see it immediately.
  • Starting contest for a team. The team leader (or any team member) selects contest Baltie and relevant round in the left menu, logs in with his UID and password. Then the team data appears and he enters the verification code for his contest group. Only after entering the code the tasks are displayed.
  • Access to the internet. We recommend to forbid everything (web, email, Skype, ICQ etc.) with exception of the contest server SGP. This can be done by two ways:
    • allow only
    • forbid all ports in firewall and allow only one port 8001 - on this port the contest server runs,
      then contestants enter to the internet browser (or you can create shortcut on the desktop for this address).
    In the case of unclarity, please contact your administrator.
    Note: this technical restriction is not obligatory, but we recommend it because it makes supervisor work easier.

On behalf of good course of school round of the contest we reserve the right to update the information on this page.

Have you found any mistake on this page or do you have any question about this round of the contest?  Write us...